Unlocking meaning and purpose at work • MOB - Makers of Barcelona
In this session we will help you identify some of the key ways to understand how to grow and develop your satisfaction at work -and beyond!
We spend roughly 1/3 of our lives at work. For some of us, that might feel great! But for many – that fact is a reminder to take a closer look at our “why” for working, apart from just paying the bills.
In this session, we will help you identify some of the key ways to understand how to grow and develop your satisfaction at work (and beyond), increasing your sense of purpose and fulfillment over your working life.
The workshop will give you a toolkit to help you to
– identify your personal values
– understand your workplace needs
– and ultimately, find more meaning and purpose in your daily working life, no matter what your current work situation is.
We will experience:
•an inspiring talk from Avril Clarke, a Certified Clinical Sexologist specializing in Sexual Health and Wellness, who will walk you through the creation of her own career pathway;
• some individual time to center and focus on you and your own journey;
• optional group networking afterward to meet other like-minded folks.
However you choose to participate, you will leave having more clarity on which steps to take next, more career connections, and new insights into your motivations and your core values.
LANG: Although this workshop is in English we can help with translation in Spanish if needed.